Why Apply Window Film:
We all want UV rays when we're heading out to get a tan, but these rays damage our home's interior, fading our furniture, flooring and artwork. With the application of window film your home will look like new for years, blocking 99% of the harmful UV rays. Avoid the high costs of replacing these valued possessions by applying affordable window film to your home now.
Many of us purchased our homes because we love the view it provides. Maybe it's the beautiful view of the golf course or our children playing in the snow, but when the sun is blazing down on us, or winter's cold is nipping at your door, we're unable to enjoy one of our home's best features. Applying window film to your home keeps the weather where it belongs, outside.
Window film will reduce your heating and cooling costs as well as prolong the life of your heating and cooling systems. You have put a great deal of time and money into making your house a home, allow us to help your home become a more comfortable, efficient place to live.
Imagine neighborhood children playing ball outside and your family is gathered inside near a window...accidents happen. What about a summer storm hitting in the middle of the night while your baby sleeps in his shards flying about can wound and damage. Window film keeps shards together. Window film also slows burglars from breaking into your home through it's windows.
At the time of the September 11 attacks, the Pentagon was fitted with window film. Afterwards, several people among those present expressed very positive opinions about the window film's performance, and credited it with saving lives. Doesn't your family deserve the same protection?
Architectural window film is available in a variety of styles and colors. Safety film is also available with or without tint. We will be happy to help you select the right film for your needs. Call today for a FREE estimate. In as little as 15 minutes we can have you on your way to a safer, more efficient home.